I'm not sure who needs to hear this but...
Project Positivity Journal Day 22: Take more little breaks!
You know when I NEVER ever had trouble sleeping? When I smoked cigarettes.
Isn’t that the craziest thing?
I don’t know why or what would even be the cause and I don’t feel like researching it, but there is one thing I can think of that WAS a benefit (not that I’m advocating for smoking or any unhealthy habit) but, aside from the fact that smoking did help me cope with stress, which would ultimately help me sleep better, they also created a routine of taking little breaks throughout the day, where I’d stop what I was doing and go outside for a “smoke break” which would last anywhere from 5-15 minutes, or longer, if I wasn’t in the middle of anything important. And since I averaged about a half a pack a day, I’d take no less than TEN little breaks, every day - outside, sitting and relaxing in the fresh air, among nature, decompressing and maybe even disconnecting from whatever I was working on…
Do you know how many breaks I take now?
ZERO. None. not one.
And when I get to a place of frustration or burnout with whatever I’m working on in the moment, which I inevitably do after sitting for hours, I just pick up my phone and scroll social media, which in no way actually gives my brain or my eyes, or my nervous system, a rest.
Aside from the 40minute walk I take outside at the park daily, and random trips to and from the car if and when I’m out and about, I don’t spend any other time outside, especially in winter, aside from letting the dogs out. A few times a week I might hand-water some areas of my backyard or sit outside with the dogs on sunny mornings with my coffee, but by no means am I intentionally “taking a break” in the middle of my working hours.
And so I got to thinking that maybe I should be intentionally taking more little breaks, even if they make me feel a little uncomfortable or unproductive or antsy at first, because I think that was one of the positive things that came from an unhealthy habit, that might translate into a good habit. And if I can spend those 5-15 minutes with my eyes closed, perhaps breathing, meditating or stretching, it would be EVEN more of a good thing… and I think that’s good thing. 😊
Happy Valentine’s Day, Lovecats!
xoxo …love, Maegan ♥️ 😘 💋
I am such a fan of little breaks and being outside! Thanks for the reminder to do more of this.