HI! I’m Maegan!
I’m 47 years old, divorced, childless (not by choice), business owner, writer, artist, creative type who is on yet another, and maybe the most important, journey of self-discovery and would love for you to come along for the ride.
My hope is that by sharing my story in an authentic and very vulnerable way, you might gain a little gem of insight into your own life journey that might offer a little help or guidance in your own struggles.
I’ve been blogging at loveMaegan.com since 2007 about all my loves, including personal style, fashion, home decor, and mostly DIY projects and in the last few years, have had a hard time relating to that version of myself who created that space when I was only 32 years old. It seems like a lifetime ago yet just yesterday when I worked at an art gallery in Century City and was still living in LA, where I grew up (in the Valley, actually). Fun Fact: I’m a second generation Valley Girl, both my parents grew up there as well. I moved to Lake Arrowhead at the end of 2012 with my then-husband, got a divorce in 2016 and opened a bar/restaurant called Dogwood Tavern and a burger shack on the lake as well. I have loved getting to experience real seasons and incredibly beautiful snow until last winter, 2023, when the blizzard left me with a bit of PTSD and along with the stress of owning the business, the mountain is starting to lose its magic for me. I’m beginning to think about a possible relocation back down to the flats again, but I’m not sure I’m ready for the hot summers and overpopulation.
While I still share my outfits, home decor and DIYs at loveMaegan (a few times a month) I found a new home here on Substack, where I feel like I’ve started something fresh and new and am in yet another phase of my life where I’m walking away from the things that don’t serve me any longer and trying to reimagine a new future for myself.
In March 2024, I finally started selling my art online, which is HUGE for me, and something my inner child has been begging me to do for years, but I was too afraid. She’s been pretty miserable for quite some time now, so I’m making sure not to betray her anymore. She’s steering the ship, so to speak, and although it’s been a bumpy ride, I’m pretty sure I’m finally on the correct course now.
After a year and a half searching for a sign and waiting for some sort of inspiration as to what to do next, I set a goal to start writing here February 1, 2024 and it changed everything. Because of that, my new mantra has become just start now, even if you don’t have a plan or know what direction you’re heading in - do the thing, commit to it and show up for yourself every day. Once you start, the wind will catch your sails and lead you where you need to go.
I’ve been writing about some pretty heavy stuff as of late though, since I’m finally grieving the loss of the lives I never had, my infertility struggle that feels so final now and though I do feel like I’m on the path, I’m still wondering what’s next… ?
Join me on my search for new meaning and purpose in my life! In a few years when I turn 50, I want to be able to say, I made it. I did it. I’m living the life of my dreams and I’m happy... FINALLY. 😊
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