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Come As You Are: Episode 42

The one where I'm literally all over the place... and I blame my coffee 🤣

Lovecats! Happy Happy Sunday!

I am in a fun mood right now and I swear it’s NOT the sugar in the coffee I just polished off (okay, it TOTALLY IS)… but also, I’m feeling A-okay today... although, to be honest, I was a bit blue this morning. But I got dressed (after cleaning up the situation in the backyard - story is in the video 🤣) and drove to the park and took myself for a walk/hike and I swear to GOD sometimes just getting out in nature and moving your body is all you need!

I was also having a fun text chat with my bestie/cousin, so that didn’t hurt and THEN I stopped at Coffee Bean on the way home. So yes, while the sugar and the coffee sent me over the edge, I had already flipped my frown upside down by getting out and moving about.

When I moved from LA to Lake Arrowhead, I was super excited that I didn’t have to get in the car and drive to go walk/hike. I could just step out my front door and find myself right where I wanted to be; on a hilly mountain in a forest, surrounded by massive trees AND as a bonus, get my workout in while being completely immersed in nature. I was worried about moving back down to a flat area where sidewalks would be fun for roller skating but not so fun for my afternoon walks. And in the last few weeks as I’ve gotten more settled here, I am truly enjoying stopping my day, getting in my car and driving to the park that feels like another world… multiple hilly (incline) paths, some dirt and some paved, surrounded by mature trees of all kinds AND orange groves. Rows and rows of orange trees in dirt suddenly transports me to another world and it’s only the tall palms in the distance that remind me that I’m not in a foreign country, but that I am home… home away from home. My new home that looks like my old home, but in a fresh and exciting new adventure kind of way, and one of the highlights of my day is getting to drive 5 minutes to this magical place that I’m sure I will eventually take for granted much like everyone who I pass on their afternoon getaway. Photographers shooting families and quincineras and weddings, influencers shooting Halloween photos and videos, highschool kids running and training for something, a 1year old’s birthday party, a dad and his kids on bicycles, a couple sitting close to each other on a bench overlooking the view, three girlfriends sitting on a blanket on a grassy area chatting and laughing, and others, like me, just getting a little workout in. That was all just today, and while it is a little less busy during the weekdays, it makes me smile. Just remembering these little moments in time that I witnessed on my very average day will be fond memories for all those I passed today. There really is beauty all around us if we open our eyes and take it all in 😊

I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

Here’s a look at my backyard with my make-shift fence - reference in the video.

The object of reference was found just to the left of those painted teal pavers in the way back… and that’s the white fence I tossed it over 🤣.

He’s so mad about it 🤣

xoxo …love, Maegan

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