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Come As You Are: Episode 44

The one about identity, reinventing yourself later in life, and all the hard truths you have to face to get there... it's a long one, but I swear it's worth it! 💎 Truth bombs and gems to takeaway

Happy Sunday Lovecats! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. I have been deep diving into all the creative avenues this weekend and it has felt wonderful. As much as I was struggling in my last episode with identity, the plunge to find it has simply been to focus on myself, consistently create and do the things that make me feel like “me” and surrender to the uncertainty of it all… and somehow, it builds confidence, boosts happy hormones and gives a sense of self back!

I also started listening to an audiobook I randomly downloaded from TikTok creator Anya Lincoln, a few weeks ago, who just so happened to be talking about identity and helped me sort of wrap up my relational healing journey with just a few chapters. I was seriously in awe listening to a woman answer all the questions I have been asking over the last few days! The audiobook is called I Am: A Guide to Transforming Reality and Creating the Life You Want and I haven’t finished it yet, but I plan to today as I finish my painting.

And I did film and publish my YouTube version, (and found the part in the book that was so incredibly helpful in figuring out my attachment to people in relationships who “won’t let me be me” and then I focus all my attention and energy on them to make them happy so then -and only then- can I focus on me and am “allowed to be me” - it doesn’t make any sense unless you also have a similar belief BUT the book outlines other beliefs that shape your core identity and is super helpful…) so if you’re interested in watching, here it is 😊

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