Happy Happy Sunday, Lovecats!
I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend and celebrating YOU, because you deserve it!
I’ve had a busy weekend of creating, which is my favorite thing to do at the moment, and am really feeling so blessed to be able to finally have stepped into my crazy artist era, even though it’s a little scary… and then I wonder 🤔
Why are the things we want to do the most, the scariest?
Why do we hold ourselves back from doing the things our spirit so desperately calls us to do? Why is it easy to love the creation process from idea to execution, but the next step, SHARING WITH THE WORLD, grips our ankles like the scary monster under our bed? The fear of the unknown, the made-up story in our head?
Is it the fear of failure or the fear of success? Is it the worry that no-one will like it and we’ll look like a fool? Is it the vulnerability of putting ourselves out into the world in such a raw way that feels like our skin might peel back, one layer at a time, revealing our deepest and darkest truths? Or is it just fear of criticism or scrutiny over our creations that feel so much a part of who we are? Is it simply the fear of being seen in our full truth and authenticity?
It’s probably all of those things… but WHY??????? Why is it so scary?
Why do we allow those things to hold us back in such a way that it silences us into conformity or not sharing at all? Why would we prefer to live a life we are bitter and resentful that we’re not living true to ourselves simply because we're afraid to be seen… but mad that we’re not?
Is it because we know how horrible it feels when “other people” tear us down, especially in our most vulnerable and truest moments, and that feeling alone - or avoiding that feeling - is what then keeps us contained in a place we don’t like, in a life we hate, becoming the “others” that judge the people who are putting themselves out there on the chopping block, criticizing and hating them for doing all the things we wish we were brave enough to do?
But what if… none of this was true? What if the opposite happens? What if we are overthinking our way right out of doing the thing we’ve always wanted to do?
What if we just did the scary thing?
What if we just decided that the fear of judgment of others is NOT going to be the thing that stops us from living a life of our dreams?
What if we remember that other people’s opinions about US are NOT our problem and mostly, don’t have anything to do with US, and what if we just stopped caring, even if they do?
going to keep us from stepping into our
What if the true challenge, beyond stepping into our passion and true authentic glory, IS the sharing, IS the “thing” that IS our only avenue for fulfilling our life’s purpose?
What if?
xoxo …love, Maegan
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